Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tweet, tweet, tweet... If not yet, you soon will be.

A couple of classes have either begun using or will begin using Twitter as an educational tool. I've used Twitter for a long time myself (Follow me here, @EvilMrWebb), but I'm only now getting into the idea of students to use it to express themselves mid-class.

The easiest way to explain it is that tweeting is essentially a text message you send to the entire world. There are different ways to talk to different people or different groups of people, but, in a nutshell, it's a public text message conversation. You're not supposed to be able to say everything you want; part of the game is being forced to say what you want to in less characters (140 to be exact). As you tweet more, you'll find yourself thinking in 140-character blasts, and in no time, you'll be a master at this social network.

So, before I require it from you, get over to Twitter and sign up for an account to figure out what this is all about!

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